Joy of Business Classes
What do you know that no one else knows about business?
"It will not be serious, it will not be about taking notes, it will not be something you pass or fail, you will not be judged. You will however have the possibility of a greater future, the ability to laugh at the choices you have made and we will jump off the edge of the cliff that you have been teetering on waiting. The wait is over. It’s time to create."
~ Simone Milasas
See All Upcoming Joy Of Business Classesall class possibilities

Business Done Different
This 3-day Business Done Different class will give you new tools and processes to change any area with business and money. This is an invitation to create more and be more.
What if you know more about business than what you have been willing to acknowledge?

Business Done Different with an Advanced JCF
This class is not like any other business class you will attend. It’s different. It will empower you to know what you know about business, money and creation. What do you know?
Joy of Business Facilitator Training
Be an an authority on how to do business with a difference, joyfully, and change the world!
Upcoming Classes

Access Business & Money
In this one day class, you will start to discover what is truly possible in your business and finances. Not just for corporates, business owners or entrepreneurs, discover what you can create in and as your life.
Upcoming ClassesGetting Out Of Debt Joyfully
Are you ready to change your entire reality around money? What point of view do you have around money that if you changed it, would create a different reality for you?
If you are in debt or desire to create more with money, then this class is for you.
Upcoming Getting Out Of Debt Joyfully Classes

Business In Action
This class will introduce you to a whole set of pragmatic ways to be with your business from the Joy of Business book using Access Consciousness tools.
Upcoming ClassesGetting Out of Debt Joyfully –
Six Month Program
If you are in debt or desire to create more with money, then this program is for you.
This program, facilitated by Joy of Business Certified Facilitators, is based on the book Getting Out of Debt Joyfully written by Simone Milasas.

Creating Your Life Beyond Stress
Welcome to a one day Joy of Business class! A day of empowerment, of creating a new future - a future where you are not impacted by stress as you were before.
Joy of Business Book Club
Take deep dive into the book topic with facilitation by a Joy of Business Certified Facilitator (JCF) using the tools, questions and clearings of Access Consciousness. This is not your everyday book club!

Getting Out Of Debt Joyfully Book Club
Take deep dive into the book topic with facilitation by a Joy of Business Certified Facilitator (JCF) using the tools, questions and clearings of Access Consciousness. This is not your everyday book club!
Business Done Different Intro
This Intro class it will empower you to know what you know about business, money and creation.

Joy of Business Taster
What if business had a joy to it? In this taster featuring the tools and concepts of Joy of Business® and Access Consciousness® you are invited to look at business (and money) from a totally different place.
Get Started With JOY OF BUSINESS
Join Simone Milasas, founder of Joy of Business, for one evening giving you some tools from Access Consciousness that can also be found in her book JOY OF BUSINESS.

Our gift to you!
Receive three free classes to get started with Joy of Business!
'Breathing Life Into Your Ideas' - with Simone Milasas
'Access Business & Money Intro' - with David Kubes
'Let's Get Engaged' - with Christopher Hughes